Events and News 2015-16
2016 Bonner County Fair Booth
August 09, 2016
BCRWInc members decorated and staffed the Bonner County Republican Central Committee Booth. The theme was "From Farm Gate to Kitchen Plate." The Booth won Best of Show!
2016 Independence Parade Float
July 04, 2016
The parade's theme was "America on Parade." Many of our members choose to dress from various eras in the country's history.
Woman of Courage Luncheon
June 25, 2016
Woman of Courage Award recipient and featured speaker, Magarete Fallat told us what life was like for her, growing up under the rise of Hilter in Germany.
"The Lost Tea Set"
June 12, 2016
Michelle Rohrer's story, "The Lost Tea Set" has been published in Tea Time Magazine.
"All My Children Wear Fur Coats"
June 12, 2016
Anita Aurit's story, "All My Children Wear Fur Coats" was chosen to be part of the latest Chicken Soup for the Soul book, Chicken Soup for the Soul: My Very Good, Very Bad Cat edited by Amy Newmark.
April 28, 2016
Bonner County Republican Central Committee and the BCRWInc co-hosted a Republican Candidate Forum.
Keith Rutledge moderated the forum
for an audience of more than 100 people.
For District 1 House Sage Dixon, Heather Scott
For Distirct 7 Senate Sheryl Nuxoll
For District 1 Senate Glenn Rohrer
Sheriff Candidates Daryl Wheeler, Terry Ford,
County Commissioner Candidates
Dan McDonald, Todd Sudick, Jeff Connolly, and Louis Rich
Statements read for
District 1 Senate Candidate Shawn Keough
District 7 House Candidates Shannon McMillan and Kris Steneck
BCRWInc members enjoying the Bonner
County Lincoln Day Dinner "Love is in the
Air" February 13
Installation of new BCRWInc Offices 12-15-2015
President Victoria Zeischegg
Vice President Kathy Rose
Secretary Veronica Dixon
Treasurer Carol Bauer
President Victoria Zeischegg presents the BCRWInc
Giving Tree donation to Savannah Hicks of S.P.A.R.C.
December 15, 2015
VJ Day Celebration
The Bridge Assisted Living
September 2015
“The question isn’t who’s going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.” ~Ayn Rand