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BCRWI Luncheon Attendees Learn About Heritage Action for America and Its Activities in Idaho 

Bonner County Republican Women Inc. heard Kristen Christensen speak about Heritage Action for America at the group's BCRWI Luncheon with speaker Kristen ChristensenSeptember Luncheon held at the VFW.  Heritage Action for America, a conservative advocacy organization established in 2010, promotes conservative policies through grassroots mobilization, legislative advocacy, and policy research. While the organization operates nationwide, it has been particularly active in states like Idaho, where it seeks to influence policy decisions in line with its conservative principles.

Christensen's main topic for the day was Proposition 1 which is on the November ballot. She encourage the attendees to vote no. 

Vote NO on Proposition 1 in Idaho's Upcoming Election

As Idahoans approach the November 5th election, it's essential to understand the implications of the measures on the ballot. One such measure, Proposition 1, proposes significant changes to the state's election system. After careful consideration, many believe that voting NO on Proposition 1 is in the best interest of preserving the integrity and clarity of Idaho's elections.

Key Concerns About Proposition 1

Proposition 1 introduces two major changes to Idaho's electoral process:

1. Alteration of the Primary Election System

  • Transition to a "Top 4" Primary System: Instead of the current party-based primary elections, Proposition 1 proposes a system where all candidates compete in a single primary, and the top four vote-getters, regardless of party affiliation, advance to the general election.
  • Misconceptions About Open Primaries: Supporters of Proposition 1 claim it creates an open primary system similar to what Idaho had in the past. However, the proposed "Top 4" system is different and may not provide the same level of straightforward voter choice that traditional open primaries offered.

2. Implementation of Ranked Choice Voting in General Elections

  • Complex Voting Method: Voters would be required to rank candidates in order of preference rather than selecting a single candidate. This system, known as Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) or instant runoff voting, is a significant departure from the current method.
  • Potential for Discarded Ballots: If a voter chooses not to rank all candidates, there's a possibility that their ballot might not be counted in later rounds of vote tabulation, effectively diminishing their voice in the final outcome.

Impact on Election Integrity and Costs

  • Transition Away from Paper Ballots: Many Idaho counties currently use paper ballots and hand-counting methods, which are considered secure and transparent. Proposition 1 could necessitate electronic voting systems to handle RCV, raising concerns about security and reliability.
  • Increased Financial Burden: Upgrading to new voting systems capable of processing RCV could cost Idaho taxpayers tens of millions of dollars.
  • Longer Tabulation Times: The complexity of RCV may lead to delays in vote counting, making election results less timely.

Preserving the Principle of One Person, One Vote

The traditional voting system ensures that each voter has one vote per office, providing a clear and straightforward method for expressing electoral choices. Proposition 1's changes could complicate this principle, leading to confusion and potential disenfranchisement.

Proposition 1 proposes substantial alterations to Idaho's election system that may introduce confusion, increase costs, and raise concerns about election security. Many believe that maintaining the current system preserves transparency, simplicity, and trust in the electoral process.

Call to Action

Stay informed about the details and implications of Proposition 1. Discuss it with your community, friends, and family to ensure everyone understands what is at stake. On November 5th, consider voting NO on Proposition 1 to uphold the integrity of Idaho's elections.

Learn More About Heritage Action for America in Idaho

Mission and Strategy

Heritage Action for America

  • Legislative Advocacy: Working directly with lawmakers to draft, support, or oppose legislation that aligns with their policy goals.
  • Grassroots Mobilization: Engaging citizens at the local level to participate in the political process through rallies, town halls, and direct communication with their representatives.
  • Policy Research and Education: Providing detailed policy analyses and educational materials to inform both the public and policymakers.

Activities in Idaho

Heritage Action has found fertile ground for advancing its agenda in Idaho, a state known for its conservative political landscape. The organization's activities in the state have focused on several key areas:

1. Healthcare Reform

Heritage Action has advocated for healthcare policies emphasizing free-market solutions over government intervention. In Idaho, the organization has:

  • Opposed Medicaid Expansion: Arguing that expanding Medicaid would increase state spending and dependency on federal funds, Heritage Action mobilized supporters to oppose such measures.
  • Promoted Health Savings Accounts (HSAs): Encouraging state legislators to adopt policies that make it easier for individuals to use HSAs, thereby giving citizens more control over their healthcare spending.

2. Education

Education reform is another critical area for Heritage Action in Idaho. The organization supports school choice initiatives and opposes federal overreach in education.

  • Supporting Charter Schools and Vouchers: Heritage Action has lobbied for legislation that would provide families with more options outside the traditional public school system.
  • Opposing Common Core Standards: The organization has worked to repeal Common Core in Idaho, advocating for state and local control over educational curricula.

3. Tax and Regulatory Policy

Promoting economic freedom through lower taxes and reduced regulation is a cornerstone of Heritage Action's activities.

  • Tax Cuts and Simplification: The organization has supported state efforts to reduce income and property taxes to stimulate economic growth.
  • Regulatory Reform: Heritage Action has pushed for the rollback of what it considers excessive regulations that hinder small businesses and entrepreneurship in Idaho.

4. Second Amendment Rights

Given Idaho's substantial gun-owning population, Heritage Action has actively defended Second Amendment rights.

  • Opposing Gun Control Measures: The organization has campaigned against legislation that would impose restrictions on gun ownership, arguing for the protection of constitutional rights.

Impact on Idaho's Political Landscape

Heritage Action's activities have had a measurable impact on policy discussions and legislative outcomes in Idaho.

  • Influencing Legislation: Through its advocacy efforts, the organization has contributed to the passage or defeat of key bills aligned with its conservative agenda.
  • Mobilizing Voters: By engaging citizens through grassroots campaigns, Heritage Action has increased political participation among conservatives in the state.
  • Shaping Public Discourse: The organization's policy research and public statements have influenced media coverage and public opinion on critical issues.

Conclusion - Heritage Action seeks to advance conservative principles

Heritage Action for America plays a significant role in shaping Idaho's policy landscape. Through its advocacy and grassroots efforts, the organization seeks to advance conservative principles across various issues, from healthcare and education to taxation and gun rights. As Idaho navigates its future policy directions, Heritage Action is poised to remain influential in the state's political arena.

Kristen Christensen

About our Speaker - Kristen Christensen

Kristen (Dvorak) Christensen serves as the State Director for Heritage Action for America in Idaho. With a profound commitment to conservative principles and public policy, Kristen has spent her career advocating for key tenets such as limited government, free-market economics, and individual freedoms.

A proud Idaho native, Kristen’s deep understanding of local issues and dedication to her work are evident in her role. She holds a degree in Political Science, which equips her with a comprehensive understanding of government and policymaking.


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