Are you a conservative Republican woman? If so, we'd like to invite you to join Bonner County Republican Women Inc.. And although we are a women's group, we welcome men to our meetings and events and even offer an associate membership for our male supporters. Create informed voters . . . We are a private organization representing the conservatives in our area by educating our community regarding issues important to conservatives, to provide tools that create informed voters and to book and present speakers and programs that are vital to the growth of conservatism. Enjoy meetings, special events, and just for fun get-togethers. We meet monthly from September through May. There are a number of special events in the summer like our Women of Courage luncheon, fair booth and membership "just for fun" get-togethers. You’ll want to check our monthly calendar of events and "like" our Facebook page so you don’t miss out. Visitors are welcome . . . we'd love to meet you! You don't have to be a member to attend our meetings so please plan to come and chat with our members. We'd love to meet you. |
Types of Membership in Bonner County Republican Women Inc.
Regular Membership $35
Any woman is eligible for regular membership upon payment of dues for that fiscal year.
Regular Members may speak, vote, hold office, and serve on committees (after six months of active membership).
Sustaining Membership $40
Any woman is eligible for sustaining membership upon payment of dues for that fiscal year.
Sustaining Membership features are the same benefits as Regular Members.
Payment includes a $5 donation toward the operational expenses of the group.
Associate Membership $20
There are two types of associate Memberships:
Members of Other Republicans Women's Club Any woman who belongs to another Republican women's club is eligible for associate membership upon payment of dues for that fiscal year. She may attend and participate in all BCRW, Inc. functions. However, she does not have full voting rights and privileges. | Interested Republican Men and Spouses Any Republican man, including spouses of active members, is eligible for associate membership upon payment of dues for that fiscal year. They may attend and participate in all BCRW, Inc. activities. However, they does not have full voting rights and privileges |
Membership Term
Our fiscal year is January 1 through December 31. Dues paid by new members joining after September 30 of any year shall begin membership from the payment date until December 31 of the following fiscal year.
No better way to show your support than to join. BCRWI holds fast to the underlying principles of the Republican Party:
Our Members Are Active!
Bonner County Republican Women, Inc don't just talk the talk. Our members are involved throughout the community.
Many of our members also serve on the Bonner County Republican Central Committee, CALS, Life Choices, Lakes Commission, maintain blogs, attend and participate in local meetings, have run for elected office and/or volunteered on local campaigns, and more.
Your membership also shows the Democrats that we have the numbers, passion, talent and drive to KEEP IDAHO RED!
Membership dues are non-refundable
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via our email or send a note to:
Debbie Keeley, Membership Chair
P O Box 526
Cocolalla, ID 83860
We're looking forward to meeting you!